Tire Target Hanger Kit



Hang a tire around your target plate and capture 90% + of lead fragments.  Eliminates frag damage to nearby walls, ceilings or other targets.   Save the lead and re-melt or recycle.   Also helps mitigate lead contamination to the environment.

Kit includes:

  •  2 Fail Safe Hangers
  • 2 1/2″ bolt and 2 nuts for the tire hanger
  • 1 1/2″ bolt / nut for the plate hanger
  • 2 T Post clamps to lock in the hanger positions.
  • Recommended plate sizes  10 inch or 12 inch
  • Plates sold separately.

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The Tire Target Hanger Kit has all the hardware necessary to hang a tire over a steel target plate on a T-Post.

  • Indoor ranges – prevents splatter damage to ceilings
  • Shoot houses –  prevents splatter damage to nearby targets and walls.
  • Muzzle loader woods walks.    Save and re-cast the lead
  • environmental lead control.  Captures around 90% + of the lead.

Tire Target Kit  includes:

  • Hanger and hardware to hang tire.   (Fail Safe hanger, carriage bolt, nut, washer and beam clamp) plus choice of hanger finish.
  • Hanger and hardware to hang the plate.


  • Plate options:     We recommend Hang Fast 10 and 12 inch round plates.   The mounting hole location creates the angle to match the tire angle.
  • We recommend the FAIL SAFE hanger for the plate because it limits side to side movement keeping the plate more centered in the tire.
  • Tire size should be 16″  and as wide as possible.   Pickup truck tires.


In this video we are shooting this target in a HESCO shoot house with AR15 / frangible bullets at distances to point blank.